How to stay hydrated


So far in DayZ, I've found a rifle, some ammo, some firewood, and even a bike!

The one thing I haven't found, however, is water. Or any kind of drink for that matter. I'm slowly dying of dehydration, and I have no idea how to fix this. Well, alright, I know that I need to drink something, but I can't find anything to drink!

How can I stay hydrated? Can certain containers be used to hold water?

Best Answer

To rehydrate, you'll need either water or soda. Soda is a one time use item and will completely refill your thirst meter, but it makes sound and can actually alert zombies.

Water bottles (Canteens) on the other hand are refillable. The can be found either empty or full. A full water bottle will become empty after one use. To refill a water bottle, you'll need to find a lake/pond, well, or water pump. You cannot refill a water bottle in the ocean.

Alert: It is possible to lose all your equipment while refilling your water bottle in a pond. This is a feature.

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