The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim – How to Stop Idle Chatter from NPCs in Skyrim?


I work with my mother, to sell fruits and vegetables. It's fun most days, but hard work.

I am SO tired of hearing this line and countless others whenever I walk by someone. I've taken to avoiding people in Skyrim just so that they won't stop and tell me who they are, what they're doing, and why they're doing it, every time I get within six feet of them. Is there some way to stop NPCs from doing this (an option, mod or other non-mod solutions), enabling me to walk right past them without being interrupted?

Best Answer

Sounds like you want the "No NPC Greetings" mod, also available on the Steam Workshop.

It's pretty easy to find such mods by just Googling, or browsing Nexus Mods, in case you might want more in the future.