Overwatch – How to Switch Teams


Sometimes, I don't want to play Attackers and play Defenders, and when I don't want to play Defenders I want to play Attackers. When I press Tab I can see what members compose each team as well as how many players they have.

In some instances, I can clearly tell the other team has 2 or 1 less players than our team. If I want to switch teams to join the other team, how can I do that?

Best Answer

Currently, there is no way for a player to change between Attackers and Defenders when they want to, whether there's an open slot on the other team or not. If one really wanted to (have a chance of) changing teams, they could leave the game, and rejoin, however, this affects your Win/Loss ratio, adding a negative point to your ratio.

Odds are, there's little chance for this to be implemented, as Overwatch is a six vs. six objective-based game, if players were given the option to switch teams to their liking, it could easily be abused to win by switching teams as one team does better than the other.