How to take down a helicopter quickly


So I got the chopper in call of duty and I throw it out, and almost immediately the chopper goes down… so is there a technique for that? If as it enters the board, you hit it with a missile, it goes down? Or what can you do for a fast take down on a chopper?


Best Answer

First off it is important to use the right missile launcher. Always use the Strela to shoot down choppers, the M72 has a terrible hit-rate and the RPG doesn't lock-on to aircraft.

Also, it helps (but is not required) to have ghost pro so the chopper can not see you.

Now, when the chopper starts to enter the map you should figure out which direction it is coming from using the mini map.

If it is a Chopper Gunner you should try to lock on to it as soon as possible because it takes to hits to take it down. Fire on it asap, reload and fire again. Without Ghost Pro it will often be necessary to take cover while reloading. You should then fire at it again, choosing the right moment when it is difficult for the Chopper Gunner to kill you (The further away you are from it and/or its current line of fire the less likely it is to kill you). You can take a CG down much faster with a teammate because it is unnecessary to reload.

If it is an Attack Helicopter or Gunship then you should locate it but not fire upon it. Shots at these helis almost never hit while they are entering the map. They are also very good at dodging shots once in the map so it is best to chose your moment to shoot wisely. I generally try to do it right after the heli swings around.

The most important thing is to try to shoot choppers down as much as possible. With practice, you'll develop you're own strategies eventually.