How to take down SWAT Van Turrets


This has been a question that has been on my mind for quite a while. While I have played my share of heists, the one thing that always seems to stop me dead in my tracks, literally, seems to be those pesky Swat Van Turrets.

I have never been a fan of dodge builds, favoring the Good ol' Grinder. However, the lack of dodge leaves me in quite the predicament when I come face to face with those turrets.

My question is, How can I take down those turrets? What is the recommended method? And will the vans "respawn" after a while?

Best Answer

The swat turrets have a chance to appear on a few days:

  • Harvest & Trustee (Bank Heist, all variants, as well as Firestarters Day 3)
  • Hoxton Breakout Day 1
  • Four Stores
  • Meltdown (guaranteed spawn)
  • GO Bank

There are probably others that I've missed.

All of the reliable methods to destroy the SWAT turrets that I am aware of unfortunately rely on paid DLC items, so if you only have the base game, you're kinda screwed. The most effective means to destroy a SWAT turret is a molotov (Butcher's BBQ Pack) to destroy the armor on it and then a DeathWish-Optimized weapon aimed at the lens of the turret itself (for critical damage). You either want the turret distracted or on cooldown (yellow laser) when you go in for the kill. Dodge also helps (although recent nerfs to a couple perk decks make dodge slightly less powerful). Once a turret is destroyed, it will remain destroyed, and a new turret will NOT take its place.

Outside of destroying turrets, there is a way to temporarily disable all turrets (or, more accurately, not have the turrets shoot at you). If you deploy an ECM, for the duration of the jamming effect, all turrets will be scrambled and will open fire on enemies. With four players fully maxed out for stealth, this comes to a 4-ish minute window maximum for getting past turrets.