How to tell what ships are pirates


In Elite Dangerous I picked up a combat mission that was along the lines of:

Go to location X and kill Y number of pirates on behalf of group Z.

I jumped to the necessary system and started checking for ships flying around, any that I scanned and had a 'Wanted' level I would interdict and attack yet it still always said I had 0/Y kills. I even flew back to a station to claim the bounties on the off chance that would update the list, but with no result.

As the instructions didn't specify a particular faction why did the kill levels not increase? Is there anything specific that marks an NPC / player as a pirate and not just a wanted ship?

Best Answer

When tasked to kill a number of Pirates, Bounty Hunters, etc in a specific system scan targets in that system and any that show up as unreadable "Mission Target" in blue text next to the "Wanted" indicator will count towards the mission.

Signal sources tend to be more likely to contain scenarios of the type that contain these targets, so you're more likely to find some if you enter an Unidentified, Weak or Strong source (though still not guaranteed).

However, for most of these the best place to go is the Nav Beacon or Resource Sites (if there are any). Mission targets are far more likely to spawn in those than in open Super Cruise, so you should be able to rack up your kills quicker.

Finally don't take on any missions like "Go to X and kill Y of..." where Y is more than 5-10 or so unless you know system X contains a Compromised Nav Beacon or a High/Hazardous Res Site - doing one of these missions in a quiet safe system will be very time consuming and not very profitable.