Darkest Dungeon – How to Identify Which Party Members a Skill Affects in Darkest Dungeon


For skills which do not target an enemy, is there any way to tell which party members they affect, other than by selecting them in battle? There doesn't seem to be any way to tell except on healing spells, which specify "Heal" for a single target and "Heal Party" for the entire party.

If there isn't a method in-game, is there a list somewhere online?

Edit: the reason I want to know this is that an ability which affects the entire party is in effect up to 4 times more powerful than its base stats. Not knowing this in advance when choosing or upgrading skills means trying to compare potentially incomparable skills.

Best Answer

Unfortunately not. The only way to tell is in battle, or by researching outside the game. I recommend the wiki.

While looking up the full list, I noticed some rules that apply for most abilities. If the ability does any of the following and does not say it affects the party, it is single target. Otherwise it is multi-target.

  • Healing
  • Stress Recovery
  • Debuff/DoT removal
  • Guarding

The exceptions are:

  • The Houndsmaster's Cry Havoc hits the entire party
  • The Plague Doctor's Emboldening Vapors hits a single target