How to trade with another faction in Rome 2


I am unable to trade with many faction because of: "unable to build trading connection with other capital". If I open the diplomacy panel all of these trading marks are red and whatever I do I can´t trade with them because of the message above. I am playing as Sparta.

Anybody has an idea how to build the trading connection? I am running out of money because I can´t trade goods.

Best Answer

This is because trades are going via your nations capital and since Sparta is disconnected from any lands except Athens it is the only trade you can do at the beginning of the game, because they are close to you and that trade is via land. Also note that Sparta does not have a port, so trading via water is out of the equation aswell.

If you want to start trading across the water and in foreign lands you need to take Athens (Historical accurate anyway). This will connect your capital with a port which will allow trading via water.

The red marker in your diplomatic tab means that there is no way to connect your capital with the other factions capital.