How to turn off a .cfg file


I use Trilluxe's CHScript.cfg file to find the "perfect" crosshair, which uses the number keys, and I am really tired of having a changing crosshair ingame. Is there any way I could turn off the script without altering my game files?

Best Answer

After examining the cfg file, I found that what you need to do is make a text file on your desktop (or anywhere) and open it with a text edit program. Then type:

unbind rightarrow
unbind leftarrow
unbind uparrow
unbind downarrow
unbind PGUP
unbind PGDN
unbind INS
unbind DEL
unbind HOME
unbind END

unbind KP_HOME
unbind KP_PGUP
unbind KP_INS
unbind KP_END
unbind KP_PGDN
unbind KP_5

Then make sure you can see file extensions. Now rename the file from New Text Document.txt to endchscript.cfg. Open Windows Explorer and go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg or if you changed steam directory go to [Steam directory]\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg then move endchscript.cfg to that folder.

Now start up csgo and open the console with ~ and type exec endchscript. This script will stop CHscript.cfg from using all the keys it uses.

If you wish to change your crosshair again type exec chscript in the console, change it, then type exec endchscript in the console again.