Zelda Breath of the Wild – How to Turn Off the Shrine Indicator?


The shrine indicator (shrine detector? GPShrine?) has both visual and audio cues, so when I'm near a shrine, it beeps constantly. Unfortunately, I occasionally play the game near other humans who are engaged in their own activities, and my wife is decidedly unimpressed with this feature.

When I got the shrine indicator, I could have sworn that the dialogue said I could press [Y] to disable it… but pressing Y pulls out my weapon.

Ideally, I'd like to just make it stop beeping, but stay on for visual cues. But I'll settle for being able to turn it off entirely at times.

Best Answer

As said in the comments by Coded Monkey, you can turn it off by pressing the Y button while in the map screen.

But I don't know of a way for it to stay on while not doing any noise.