How to undo forceav commands


A few weeks ago I found out about console commands. So I started playing around with them. I changed speed, size, things like that just to mess around. They usually didn't last through saves. Then I played around with my level, just to see what it would be like to be "all powerful" using a forceav command. I changed carry weight, too. A few days ago I decided I wanted to go back to my original, non-cheated game, but the levels and carry weight are stuck. Now when I try to fix it, nothing happens. Does anyone know how to undo forceav commands?

Best Answer

You can use player.setlevel x to modify your character's level with the console. To fix your carry weight, use player.getavinfo carryweight and check the auto-calculated value, then use player.forceav carryweight x where x is your auto-calculated carry weight. You can use player.removeperk perkID to remove perks, use help %perk name% to find the perk's ID.

In the future I recommend using modav to cheat, as these are easier to revert - just re-run the command with the value multiplied by -1.