How to uninstall Black Mesa if it wasn’t installed via Steam


Black Mesa provides a standalone installer that extracts the game to the Steam folder, so Steam can manage launching the game as well as providing the Steam Overlay in-game.

However, Steam doesn't manage uninstalling the game as it wasn't installed through Steam (the game has been Greenlit but it's not yet available in the store as of Sep 2012 and is now available for download via Steam). How do I completely uninstall Black Mesa in this case? It seems I can just remove the steamapps/SourceMods/BMS folder and the shortcut from steam/games, then restart Steam, but I'm not sure if that covers it entirely.

Best Answer

That's all there is to it. The installer is very lightweight and doesn't do anything fancy: it just handles unpacking the slightly-unusual archive file format for you, dumps all the files in the mod folder, and adds the link so Steam finds it. It doesn't scatter files across your drive or do anything like adding registry entries. Nuke the folder and remove the Steam entry and it will be like it was never there.