Halo: The Master Chief Collection – How to Unlock ‘Because You Begged’


I've jumped off this cliff in Pillar of Autumn so many times to assassinate this Elite. I know the challenge is pretty finicky just like the old achievement, but is there a way to help increase my odds of unlocking it?

Best Answer

After trying myself for about 3 hours I resorted to Youtube/Forums. I finally found a solid tutorial video. I think the most important part is deleting your save as I was able to unlock the challenge near instantly after that.

Pre step:

enter image description here

After that:

  1. Start the Pillar of Autumn mission (Difficulty does not matter)
  2. Melee / Jump your way to the cliff to avoid a checkpoint
  3. Wait until the Elite is in a good location and stop melee'ing to get the checkpoint
  4. Save & Quit the game. (This avoids the Halo: Reach checkpoint system pulling you back a checkpoint from repeated deaths.
  5. Resume the game and yeet yourself off the cliff. Aiming at the left shoulder of the Elite seems to work better, and if you perform a lunge you will not be able to get the achievement.
