How to unlock the 4th world in Plants vs. Zombies 2


How do you unlock the 4th world in Plants vs. Zombies 2 ???
I've got all 72 stars from the previous 3 worlds,
but I can't seem to enter the 4th world.

I think I was given a chance to enter the 4th world once,
but there was a warning that having more stars would be helpful.
I think I decided to earn more stars. But now I can't find anyway
to enter the 4th world.

There's a star portal in the 3rd world. And when I click on that star
it just goes back to the time-space taco map (shown below).

I'm wondering if this is a bug in the game.
Or perhaps, they'll update the app in the future with access to the 4th world.

Pvz time-space taco map

Best Answer

Far Future was released on the 27th of March, 2014:

The Future is... NOW! Far Future, now available in #PvZ2!

You can unlock it like the other worlds; i.e. paying $4.99 or using a World Key obtained by defeating the 8th level of any of the previously unlocked worlds.

To preemptively answer similar questions about future worlds... If the world in question has a giant padlock on it, then it can be unlocked. Otherwise it will be added in a future release.