How to unstick a game of Words With Friends


Near the end of a game of Words With Friends, the game seems to be stuck in a mode where neither player can make a move. On the main screen on both phones it indicates that it's my move, but when I go into the game board it shows my last move instead of my opponent's. The pass, recall, and swap buttons are all disabled, and I'm not allowed to resign because the game doesn't recognize that it's my move on this screen.

I've tried rebooting my phone to unstick the game (so did my opponent), and that didn't work. This is the free version of the game on Android if that helps. Has anyone else experienced this particular problem? If so, how do I get this game unstuck?

Best Answer

I've had this problem before too, never really looked into how to solve it, but now that I think about it.

Wiping the application data for words with friends (Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications -> Words Free -> Clear Data), then starting the application again (requiring you to log in since you wiped the data) should refresh your game.

As I was typing the above I saw that there's a "clear cache" button below the "clear data" button. That might solve the issue too. Clearing the cache would empty what is there and force a refresh from the servers. If clearing the cache doesn't work, the the paragraph above should solve the problem.