How to use custom maps on Call of Duty: World at War


I'm looking to buy Call of Duty: World at War, but I want to know: How can I use custom maps downloaded by other players? I saw a video (vanossgaming) playing these maps, I don't know if he bought them but they are really expensive.

Can someone walk me through the steps: where can I find these custom maps/mods and how do I install them in the game? It is difficult? Is it legal to do so?

Best Answer

The chances of getting banned are slim to none, as Activision doesn't host any official servers for World at War now. Playing locally with friends, or hosting your own server, should be fine. The game's multiplayer is full of hosts and servers, so it would seem Activision has no problems with it.

A quick Google search turned up this promising tutorial on getting started:

How to install and play custom zombie maps + other tips.