How to use given gifts


I've recently started Awakenings on Xbox360 and got Ser Pounce-a-lot. Its description says "Use: This item has a unique power", but I can't figure out how to use it. It's in the Useable Items section of my inventory, but it lacks a "Use" option. Am I supposed to get to it from somewhere else or is this some weird bug?

The same thing was going on in Origins with some gifts from the Feastday Gifts DLC.

Just to be clear, the items have been gifted to the appropriate people, in the case of Ser Pounce-a-lot, to Anders. They are not marked as gifts anymore.

Best Answer

You use them by giving them to one of your other party members.

If I remember correctly, you just go to the inventory page (ie. where you equip stuff) for the person you want to give the item to. Browse to the item, then press the button marked "give".

In Ser Pounce-a-lot's case, once you have given him to Anders, you can activate him via an icon in the radial menu while you are in combat.