How to use mortars


I know that my ship has mortars, but I haven't figured out how I actually use the damn things. I must have missed a tutorial popup, and I didn't find any way to fire them by trying out stuff randomly.

I know that most weapon switching happens by looking in a specific direction relative to my ship, or by not aiming the cannons using the left trigger. But I didn't find any combination that would fire the mortars.

Best Answer

To use the mortars, first zoom in using the Mortar Zoom button. This will zoom in as if you were using the spyglass with the addition of a target circle. Move the target with the right thumb stick and, when you are satisfied with your target, press Fire to shoot. The target circle will turn red when an opponent is within range.


Mortar Zoom

  • Wii U: L
  • PS3: L2
  • PS4: L1
  • Xbox: Left bumper
  • PC: Q (hold)


  • Wii U: ZR
  • PS3: R1
  • PS4: R2
  • Xbox: Right trigger
  • PC: LMB