How to use R1 to fly with the sword in Destiny


I'm trying to figure out how to use the sword with a Warlock.
I have maxed agility. I get a good sprint and double jump, but I can't seem to keep a rythm to keep from falling. I drop right away after the first R1, and make forward momentum, but keep dropping. I see other vids where dropping is minimal, which is what I'm trying to replicate.

  • At what point in the jump do I start slashing?
  • Do I spam R1, or is there a periodic timing I need to hit?
  • Where do I look (sky/straight ahead)

Any advice, articles or vids that may help with the mechanic of sword flying?

Best Answer

One of my favorite pastimes

The trick is too keep on turning, either left or right. Try to maintain one side though

  • At what point in the jump do I start slashing?: After you jump, the moment before you begin to fall

  • Do I spam R1, or is there a periodic timing I need to hit?: Spamming is fine, but make sure you hit R1 after the animation of wing ends. Should be precise

  • Where do I look (sky/straight ahead): Camera position does not matter, but movement does. Remember to constantly turn after every slash.