How to use the cruise control


In Saint's Row 2, I made extensive use of the cruise control for those drive-and-shoot missions. I seem to remember being told I could use cruise control in Saint's Row 3, but I can't seem to figure out how. How do you work it?

Best Answer

On the Xbox and PS3, it's "Down" on the D-Pad. On the PC, by default, it's CTRL. On consoles, this button is also used to start the streaking diversion and to take screenshots. On the PC, by default it's the "Crouch" key.

To further describe the functions of this button on consoles:

  • You'll need to tap the button twice while not wearing any clothes for streaking
  • Tap it once while moving forward in a car to engage cruise control.
  • Tap once to make a screenshot, but this requires camera mode to be on, which is an option in your phone menu.

These functions are mapped differently on PC.

The feature's not well publicized, I first learned about it from a random tooltip about 10 hours into the game. The paper manual that came with the game has the buttons listed, which is about all the info that's in the manual, period.