How to use White soapstone


I cant use my white soapstone. I've been trying to use it and I cannot figure out how.

Best Answer

There's a few reasons that you wouldn't be able to use the soapstone:

  • You're offline (at the moment that I'm writing this, it appears the PC servers are having a bit of trouble)
  • You're in the Champion's Covenant
  • You've burned an effigy at the bonfire for the zone you're in

If you're offline, there's no much you can do but go back online. You can drop the Champion's Covenant by talking to the cat in Majula. If you've burned an effigy at a bonfire, the effects should wear off in about 30 minutes.

Finally, if you're getting a message similar to "Failed to create summon sign"... Well, I never figured out what causes this or how to fix it. I had one character on the PS3 that suffered from this and never recovered, but all my other characters were fine.

I also made a video explaining the first two items on the list, but there's not really any additional information other than maybe where to find the cat.