Warcraft 3 – How to Win ‘Twilight of the Gods’ Final Mission


I've difficulties surviving in the last campaign mission in Warcraft 3 on the highest difficulty settings. After capturing the mines and building as much of an army as possible, I get decimated by the incoming forces faster than I can rebuild. I usually end up as sole survivor (Hu/Orc base destroyed) after 10 minutes. I tried various stuff, including building wells near the place of battle and walls of ancient protectors, but to no avail.

I'm wondering if it is actually that hard, or if I just do something wrong. I was about level 30 on the solo ladder so I think my micro and macro is not utterly crappy in general.

Best Answer

What is your strategy in terms of supporting your allies with defensive structures / force composition? What I usually ended up doing is simply sending troops to assist the human base while building ancient protectors amongst Thrall's orcs.

Are you using druids of the talon? Prodigious usage of cyclone against the enemy heroes will definitely make things easier.

The way the AI is set up, once a base is destroyed, the attack waves revert to the (easiest) early waves -- so the longer you hold one base, the less time you have under assault from the crushingly cruel "GG waves" that you get hit with after you've been defending for several minutes.