How to you control cities in Sid Meier’s Pirates


On the PC version of the game the box says that you could take control of cities and rule them yourself. How can you do that and can you get settlements too?

Best Answer

You can't, except in two meta-ways:

  1. The most common is when you successfully pillage a city after destroying a significant amount of its defending garrison. The Governor will run for the hills and you get to decide which of the four nations to invite to send a replacement. Needless to say, the nation that gets a shiny new (well, slightly used) town out of it will be very happy with this.
  2. If you complete all the quests, get all the loot and max out your rank and wealth, the highest position you can earn as you retire is "Governor". Of course, at that point the game is over, so that may or may not count either...