How to you increase the shiny rate


I remember seeing somewhere that if you breed a Pokemon from a different region its offspring would have a higher chance of being shiny. Is this true?

What other methods can be used to increase the odds of obtaining shiny Pokemon?

Also, What is the chance of breeding a shiny if one/both of the parent Pokemon are also shiny?

Best Answer

From, if you breed a pokemon from another region different to your game with another pokemon, you will have a higher chance of getting a shiny pokemon. Colloquially called the Masuda Method after the developer Junichi Masuda, this can increase your chance of breeding a shiny from 1 in 8,192 to 1 in 2,048 (Generation 4) or 1,365.3 (Generation 5). Generation 6 figures are unknown at the moment, but to be honest I've heard a lot of people getting shinies so it could have been lowered even more.

As noted by Nolonar it is required that both parents must come from a game with different language. For instance, if your game is in English and both parents are Japanese, the Masuda method will not work.

Without any method, the chance of encountering, obtaining, or breeding a shiny pokemon is 1 in 8,192.

Although this doesn't specifically increase your shiny rate, there's an item called a PokeRadar which can use a method called chaining to find shiny pokemon in the wild. A good guide I found is here