Overwatch – How to Attain More Than 100% Kill Participation with D.Va


A little while ago, I managed to obtain a 104% kill participation while playing a Quick Play game on Lijiang Tower. (It was on July 25, 2016, in the event that was a bug patched afterwards).

How could I attain such a score? If it was accuracy, I could understand that I could hit more than one target per shot, but as far as kill participation goes, I'm not really sure how it was possible.

Screenshot below (from shadowplay video)

104% kill participation as D. Va

I can upload the video for the whole game if needed. It wasn't brilliant but maybe it could help explain how this came to be

Link to the video of the complete game

Best Answer

I believe this is due to someone leaving and another person joining and ending the game with fewer deaths than the other person had when they left. From what I can tell, it seems to calculate the kill participation percentage by # of eliminations you get / total # of deaths other team has. So if you have 100% kill participation, and the person on the other team who has the most deaths leaves, and someone else joins and ends the games with less deaths and you keep your kill participation close to 100% after that, your kill participation would be over 100%. This would also occur if someone left and no one replaced them. I have noticed a jump in kill participation when this happens, and a number of other people report this happening to them.