Hydro Plant not allowing water flow through


In my city, I have a hydro plant that is sitting across a river quite near my city. This dam holds back all of the water and there is a significant drop in water level before and after. When I say significant difference, I mean that on the up-river side the river is lapping at the edges of the river and at the down-river side, the river is totally empty.

However, my problem is that the hydro plant doesn't let any water through, and therefore is not generating any power (0MWh out). I can't for the life of me work out why this is happening, and it's bugging me because I don't want to have to buy another solar plant just yet.

The river in question runs out of a lake, joins with another river and then runs out into the sea. Although I do have water pumps on the upriver side of the dam, they are not consuming anywhere near enough water to totally drain the river.

Are there any ideas as to why I can't get my free river power?


Y U No Power

Best Answer

Since we figured it out in the comments here the answer:

Your dam is placed to close to the water source so your river has stopped flowing.

Apparently the the system works this way: There is a source point which generates water until it reaches a certain level. If that level is reached it stops producing water. So when you build your dam your water level has risen above that threshold and there is no more water being produced, hence you created a new lake. Congratulations on that. ;)

Move your dam further along the river to fix the issue.