I can’t find Boars!


Okay, so apart from the first mission where I had to kill 2 Boars near the area where the Komodo Dragons are found, I haven't found any more Boars thereafter. I've searched very very hard using even those hunter syringes but I can't find them. I can find pigs everywhere.

What's more is that during the first chapter, right after I activate the first radar, Dennis asks me to open the Map and I see the Boar symbol exactly to the Komodo Dragon symbol. But it wasn't so after the mission got over.

Right now, I must do the 3rd mission of going to speak to some Doctor who is near another corner of the island and I haven't found another boar.

Another interesting bit is that I thought this happened after patching the game to v1.02 and that's why I re-installed the game and played without patching it, but it turns that the patch had no effect on the boars whatsoever.

Is it so, that Boars shall appear again after I finish a story mission?

Please help and also it would be of immense help if someone could really post the Boar and the Pig symbol as the map legend is of little avail.

Best Answer

The reason you aren't finding any boars is because there are very few areas where they are common. For example I've unlocked 8 Radio Towers and have only opened up one area that has them.

Here is the the best screenshot I could take that should allow you to figure out how to get to the boars. Also pointed out what a pig is so you know the difference.

Click on image below to view the larger, original size image. enter image description here

also here is a close up of a boar and pig

enter image description here

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