I can’t see the weapons! What’s going on


Anyone ever have the issue of their weapons disappearing?

Best Answer

In order to clear up HUD issues such as radars being stuck, weapons not showing, killfeed stuck, etc., the easiest way to do so is to refresh the HUD by creating a demo, then stopping it.

By running the command below in the developer console:

record DEMO_NAME_GOES_HERE; stop;

You are forcing the game to record a demo, forcing it to refresh and redraw HUD elements. Unless you specify the game to stop recording right away, it will continue to record whatever you are playing and will take up memory.

The name of the demo can be anything you want, so you could simply say record a; stop;, and that would be sufficient enough to redraw the HUD.

Alternatively, from my own experience, switching weapons to another weapon, then back to the "missing" weapon will fix the issue most of the time. This solution is much more preferred as creating a demo and stopping it will freeze the game for a short period of time.