I hired a fire godlike, how to get these pillars to work


In the first cave area, there is a room full of pillars. Interacting with these pillars does not seem to work if you are not a fire godlike. I went and hired a fire godlike at the next inn and doubled back, but the dialog is still unavailable as "the requirement is not met".

How do I deal with these pillars?

Screenshot of fire godlike standing next to pillar with the failed interaction message

Best Answer

You'll need to carry a Torch in your inventory. (No requirement to equip it.)

The Fire Godlike option only works if the player character is a Fire Godlike; it won't work with a companion NPC.

All that said, there's no point in going back to light them. All it does is disable a pathway through the trap file grid in the adjoining room - and if you're doubling back, you've clearly either gotten through it with the Mechanics skill or just gone around it entirely.