I lagged out and rejoined the comp game will i have any penalty


So yesterday I was playing on mirage and all the sudden auto disconnect. So when I got disconnected I rejoined the comp game will I have any sort of penalty for leaving but not abandoning? The reason this isn't a duplicate is because he didn't rejoin the game on time but I did. So therefor since I left the game but rejoined do I get a penalty.

Best Answer

  1. If you're able to reconnect, then the only loss is the round you weren't there and your team was handicapped - no penalty for you.
  2. If you weren't able to reconnect, that means that either you abandoned or 3 minutes passed and you didn't connect - this is recorded as a lost game for you (regardless if your team won or not) and you have a temporary ban (from 30 minutes to 7 days, depending on whether you were banned recently or not)

Anywhere else, but competitive you can leave freely and there are no penalties.