If I leave the Overflow queue, can I rejoin it


So I'm in Lion's Arch Overflow doing a jumping puzzle, and suddenly the popup to leave Overflow and join the main instance of Lion's Arch for my server;

enter image description here

Since I'm in the middle of doing a jumping puzzle and do not wish to restart or be interrupted again until I finish, I click 'Leave Queue'.

If I leave the queue to join the proper instance of a zone I'm in from the Overflow instance, is it possible to rejoin the queue for the proper instance of the zone without leaving the zone and re-entering it?

Best Answer

Nope. Once you hit "Leave Queue", you'll stay in that Overflow until you change zones or log out.

...but why are you worried about switching to an overflow in the middle of a jumping puzzle? Your character remains in the same position both before and after the swap from the overflow. I've switched in the middle of one of the LA jumping puzzles before, and had no issue continuing on once in my "Home" Lion's Arch.