Super Mario Run – Access to Paid Features Across Multiple Ecosystems


My primary phone is an Android phone and now that Super Mario Run is available, I downloaded and purchased there. But I happen to have an iPod as well but didn't purchase since I know Android was coming. I don't want to buy on both if I don't have to since I'll only be able to play it on my iPod if I'm on wifi anyway.

Will I have to pay for it separately on my iPod if I want access to paid features? Or is there a way to unlock it since I already purchased it on Android? Or am I out of luck and will have to pay for it there too?

I know I can "restore" the purchase on other Android devices, I just tried and it worked. Attempting to do the same on my iPod doesn't work. It looks like it's trying to check my iTunes account to see if I purchased there.

Best Answer

Tapping the Information button on the purchase screen gave the fine print, including this:

Note: You can transfer your user data between different types of devices as long as you link Super Mario Run to your Nintendo Account. However, if you change device platforms, you will need to repurchase the game on the new platform to unlock all the content again.

So, no. You would need to fork over another $10 to unlock all of Super Mario Run on the other ecosystem.

This is common among multi-platform mobile apps, likely due to Apple and Google not wanting to work out some deal to share their cut of all sales.