If I retrain a crew can I still use them in a lower tier vehicle


I have two SPG's, Tier 5 and Tier 3; My Tier 3 crew is rather experienced (better than the Tier 5) and I intend to retrain them for my impending Tier 6 SPG.

However; will I still be able to use the crew in my Tier 3 SPG as well?

And will the retrained crew gain experience that they can use in the Tier 6 SPG if I put them back in the Tier 3 SPG after they've been retrained?

Best Answer

Crew not trained for a specific vehicle will suffer a serious performance hit when trying to operate it.

Once you retrain your crew to the tier 6 SPG, they will lose their training qualification for the tier 3 vehicle. You can still use them on it, but they will not perform well on it. (unless you retrain them a second time for the tier 3 vehicle, but then they will perform badly on the tier 6 one.)

You still get experience for operating a vehicle with an unqualified crew, but it will be harder to earn that experience as the crew is not performing as well as a qualified crew would.