If the men are taken prisoner, can I get them back


In Mount & Blade, I was recently attacked by a Lord whose army outnumbered mine 2:1. I tried my best to avoid the fight, as I knew I wouldn't stand a chance, but he was adamant about fighting with me.

Needless to say, I lost. Badly. I managed to get captured, along with my 54 men. However, I was fortunate enough to escape from my captors. Unfortunately, it was only me and 2 of my heroes, leaving me with only 3 troops.

Is there any way for me to get them back? Say, if I were to capture a Lord from the Kingdom in which my men are being held?

Best Answer

The only way to get your men back is to beat the lord that fought you in the first place and recruit his prisoners into your army(hopefully your former army is still there).

Considering you only have 3 units left, this is probably out of the picture at this point.