I’m being attacked everywhere I go!


Every time I try to go near a bigger town in Skyrim I always get attacked by guards and/or villagers. I know that I'm a thief and a vampire (and also a Khajiit) but I don't do anything bad when someone's looking!
I think everything might have started when I tried to feed myself (with blood) in a house in Whiterun. A villager saw me and I quickly ran away from the town, with guards after me, but I didn't kill any of them.

I know that everyone in Whiterun is an Imperial but when I'm near a town with Stormcloaks, they try to kill me too. And if a guard would try to send me to jail now, I would actually go there with no fighting back. But there is no one who's talking to me, only attacking.

What should I do? I can't finish my quests when everyone's attacking me.

Best Answer

Are you, perhaps a Stage Four Vampire? Stage Four Vampires get attacked ON SIGHT, regardless of bounty or anything else.

As per the UESP:

Full vampirism is made up of four distinct stages, starting at stage one and progressing to stage four. You advance one stage for every 24 hours you go without feeding on a sleeping NPC. Feeding always returns you to stage one.


Vampires are hated and feared by the general population and stage four vampires will be attacked on sight. The four major joinable factions will not be hostile toward stage four vampires so long as you join before you reach stage four and are not caught feeding on any of their members. With Dawnguard installed, NPCs will only attack you if you are in Vampire Lord form.