Technical Issues with Nintendo DS – Stuck in an Endless Loading Screen, Is This Normal?


I have a Nintendo DS with a DSOne Flash Card with EOS installed on it.

DSOneCard and MicroSD

Before the software update, it works completely fine.

Just recently, I've managed to find an software update. However, after the update – It seems to be stuck in an endless loading screen.

Endless loading screen

There's several things that were suggested to do to find the problem, such as using the troubleshooter (holding LT and RT while the DS is starting), but it is to avail.
In case, here's the results:


Test Flash
flash id ok!
flash ok!

Test sd card
sd ok! no find test file.

Test Psram
psram ok!

Now SuperCard DS Version:
English Ver1.01

Test finished.

Is there something else that I'm missing? Am I using the wrong EOS version for my card? Is there any other update steps I missed?

Best Answer

I would suggest you do make sure you are using the right version for your card and that you removed the previous files required on the SD card so that only the new files are there, otherwise version conflicts may occur. You didn't specify your update method and as I recall this card had two options: one to simply rewrite files on the SD card, and another using a special update adapter.

I would suggest also trying to download and update the files from a different computer or internet connection if you have occasional issues with your ISP as many people do these days it is possible your download was actually corrupted but not in a way that your computer detected.