I’m stuck in Seafloor Cavern


I'm playing Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, I beat the Elite 4 and the Champion and now I am doing the Delta Episode.
So everything was going fine until I forget where Team Aqua's hideout is and accidentally went into Seafloor Cavern and now I can't get out. My Gardevoir has Teleport, but I did not bring it with me. And I don't have the TM Teleport either. If somebody finds a way to access the Pokemon boxes without being at a Pokecenter, please tell me. Somebody help!

Best Answer

You have a few options:

  1. Search online for a map or walkthrough of the Cavern to get out.
  2. Trade for a pokemon with Dig, Teleport, or holding an Escape Rope.
  3. Keep battling wild pokemon and lose. Let all your pokemon faint. This will teleport you to the last pokecenter you used.
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