In a Warcraft 3 LAN game, is there any way to save progress more than once per player


When playing a WC3 LAN match, each player can save the game once, after which the 'Save game' option in the menu is disabled. I fail to see the point in this, and would really like to be able to save more often. This is especially true when one of us has a less-than-reliable connection and may be dropped from the game from time to time.

I have found one workaround, and that is that if we save the game, end the game, then reload/rejoin the saved game the option to save will once again be available (but, of course, only one time, and then the process must be repeated). While this is better than nothing, it can get awfully tedious and annoying to have to do this every time we want to save the game.

Has anybody found any way to get around this limitation? I'm wondering if maybe there's a special hack I don't know about, or maybe some less tedious workaround.

Best Answer

As per the comments:

The one save is per play rather than per map. So after saving, quit, reload and you'll get your save slot back.

This was/is an anti-spam measure because too much saving could cause the game to crash.

While you already know about this, it is your only way.

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