Factorio – Fluid Transfer Capacity of a Pipe


I've read that offshore pumps can pump at 1200 water per second. If I connect two offshore pumps will 2400 units? Or is 1200 the maximum?

Ideally I would like to run a single over pressure pipe into my nuclear hub to supply a few dozen heat exchanges.

Best Answer

The throughput of a fluid pipe depends on the length of said pipe, but you can put in pumps to pressurize the pipe and increase the throughput.

There is a handy table on the factorio wiki listing the throughput for different lengths of pipe between pumps.

Since heat exchangers consume 103.1 water each, a few dozen seems reasonable if you build the pipe with a pump every other grid square, which will give you a throughput of 6000 units. A pump every two blocks will only give 3000, and every three blocks gives only 2250.