Overwatch KOTH Mode – Does Counter Increase Faster with More Team Members on Point?


I know that, in payload mode, the payload moves faster when there are up to 3 people next to it.
But I haven't been able to figure out if the percent counter increases faster when there are more people on the point in KOTH.

I often see players wandering ahead to prevent the other team to even enter the main area and find myself alone on the point.
So I was wondering, once the point is captured, do we need to have any people at all on the point to increase the counter (except of course, when it is contested and you have to defend it) ?

Best Answer


The number of people on the point matters when capturing it (capped at 3 people for maximum cap speed), but once you own the point, the percentage meter fills up at a static rate regardless of team presence.

I have video proof that I can't upload currently. Before I do, I'll probably edit them together to give a side by side view.