In Modern Warfare II, Which killstreak combination stacks the easiest/fastest


Now this question may seem obvious, duh — killstreaks that come one after another like UAV/Counter-UAV/Predator Missile — but I am talking about sets of killstreaks that unlock each other while you lay around hiding somewhere – or at least work well enough on their own so you need to only get 1 or 2 kills to get the next killstreak. Right now I have Harrier Strike/Pavelow/AC-130 or Chopper Gunner (depending on map). Once I get my harrier I call it in, then go off somewhere safe for my Pavelow to be ready (I can sometimes get my Pavelow from the Harrier's strike, not even needing to wait for the 3rd harrier to start hovering).

Any other Killstreak combos that work well together?

Best Answer

Predator Harrier Pavelow

Ok, this is a noobish kind of annoying strategy, but meh.

Use claymores and scavenger (it will make it REALLY easy to get a 5 killstreak for your predator). Once you get that, well, the harrier comes as a free gift. In TDM you usually find 2 guys together ready to get killed by the predator missile.

Once the harrier is out you need 2 kills to get the pavelow, so piece of cake too.

The reasons I prefer these killstreaks are these:

  1. Predator is a really easy kill
  2. Harriers are way more powerful than the attack helis. Attack helis just suck, if you they get you 2 kills you got extremely lucky. Yeah, they last more, but they suck so much people just ignore them.
  3. Pavelow is so easy to get once the harrier is out, it's really powerful and it has one flare, so it takes 2 missiles to bring it down.

I personally use these:


  • Predator
  • Harrier
  • AC130 (People tend to not bring it down since it has 2 flares)


  • Predator
  • Harrier
  • Chopper Gunner (It's closer to the ground and can fire continuously, so it's a really good option. It does have only one flare, but in FFA people don't shoot down air support as much)

And yeah, I do not use claymores / scavenger combo anymore. It's noobish. ---