Kerbal Space Program – How to Stay Out of Nearby Moon’s SoI in a Parking Orbit


I parked a space station in Jool's equatorial orbit and inclinated a little to avoid collisions with Tylo or Laythe.

After a 5 year tourist contract mission near Duna, I opened the mission control to find my space station "in an escape trajectory away from the Sun". I know that either Tylo or Laythe must have slingshoted my station.

Question : How to be sure that my ship/station will not meet the SoI of a nearby moon ?

Vanilla/stock answer prefered but I have KER and MechJeb installed.

Best Answer

  1. The most practical approach is to simply park in an orbit which does not intersect with the orbit of any of the moons.

    A reasonable rule of thumb I use is to simply park halfway between them, maybe adjusting a bit towards the smaller moon.

    If you want to be sure, though, you can look up the moon characteristics and calculate the safe altitudes. For example, taking Tylo and Vall, we can see that Vall has an apoapsis of 43.2Mm and a sphere of influence of 2.4Mm, and Tylo has a periapsis of 68.5Mm and a SoI of 10.9Mm. So an orbit around Jool with an Ap under 68.5-10.9=57.6Mm and Pe above 43.2+2.4=45.6Mm will not intersect any of the moons' orbits.

  2. Alternatively, you can manage your orbital periods to make sure you don't encounter the moon.

    The simplest example is to simply have your orbit period match the orbit period of the moon. E.g. if you parked on the other side of Jool from Tylo, and you took exactly the same amount of time to orbit Jool as Tylo, then neither of you would catch each other, and no encounters would happen.

    There are more complicated alternatives, e.g. if you had an elliptic orbit with a period of exactly 1.5 (3/2) times Tylo's orbit, you would get into the same position every 2 orbits (2 ship orbits, 3 Tylo orbits), so as long as the match is exact and your positions do not drift, if you did not encounter Tylo in 2 orbits, you will not encounter Tylo.

    If you want to get fancy, you can even exploit the fact that Laythe-Vall-Tylo have an orbital resonance of 1:2:4, and set up a safe elliptic orbit floating among all of them.

Both of these approaches are safe to use on the same orbital plane as the moon, but if your orbit is significantly inclined, you only need to worry about these things at the time your orbital plane crosses the orbital plane of the moon. Inclination alone will only slightly reduce your chances of an encounter, and does not offer significant protection, though.