In RE5 what is the best order to upgrade your weapons


In Resident Evil 5, I am looking for the best weapons to update for the first playthrough and what should I upgrade in further playthrough.

My goal is to max the game in the most efficient way, because I lost my saves and started from scratch with a friend in coop.

Best Answer

Fully upgrading the M92F unlocks the Beretta M93R. Fully upgrading the M29 Magnum unlocks the S&W M500 Magnum. You unlock the Hydra shotgun by fully upgrading the Ithaca M37 shotgun. Fully upgrading the VZ61 allows the player to purchase the Gatling Gun from the store. About S75 rifle already mentioned musefan. If your goal is max the game then you still have to upgrade all weapons, so the order isn't important. Each weapon have their adventages and disadventages, so hard to say which order would be the best, all is up to your preferences. I hope it will help someone.