In Star Trek: Birth of the Federation, why don’t I gain science research from espionage


I have been playing Star Trek: Birth of the Federation for years now (still hooked) but not once have I ever gained any science research points from science specific espionage. Is there a reason for this? Is it just me or is this actually a bug in the program (or designed this way)? If so what is the purpose of actually using up intelligence points on science espionage?? I have gone through the manual many times and it implies that you can gain science research from intelligence but I just don't see how.

Best Answer

I think it's a bug. To me it ought to be a feature, too.

Edit: here is something I have found in a guide:

Playing the Cardassians allows you to use espionage well. The Cardassians are the only race that can actually gain more research through espionage than doing it themselves. However, that requires a significant investment in intelligence resources as well as a large enough fleet to keep the targets from retaliating with force.

So I recommend on trying it with the Cardassians next time or try to patch your game, have fun :)

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