In what order do weapons fire


If I have three weapons fully charged, pause the game and set them to target specific systems and then unpause, do the fire in the order I marked my targets?

The reason I'm asking is that it can be rather crucial when taking down shields. I want weapon 1 to take down the shield and weapons 2 and 3 to pass through. I do not want all the shots stopped by the shield. I hope my question is clear.

Best Answer

They will all fire at the same time. However, you can change the location of the weapon by changing the weapon slot it is equipped in. The ones at the front of your ship... enter image description here

...will have less distance to travel. (Most of the time, it works 4/5 times for me).

However, weapon speed is also a factor; when you compare them, ion and flak weapons are around the same speed, and lasers are almost two times that speed.
