Increase the frame rate during cutscenes of Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood


I have an NVIDIA 9500 GT which has 1 GB DDR2 RAM. While the actual gameplay is quite satisfactory, my frame rate is dropping terribly during cut scenes, which is making the video out-of-sync with the audio.

I've tried lowering some settings and even switched to a lower resolution, but still the frame rate is not getting better!

Best Answer

If it's only happening during cutscenes, I'd be willing to bet the bottleneck is in streaming HD video from your hard drive. Check and see if there's an option to load SD instead of HD video, and if not your only option might be to install on a faster hdd (I would recommend a WD Caviar Black or any other 7500 RPM drive). You might also make sure that nothing else is running that makes heavy use of the hdd--e.g. seeding torrents, video recording, disk defragmentation, virus scanning, the list goes on.