Increasing Premium Items at Re-Tail in Animal Crossing: New Leaf


One of my villagers mentioned that you can get Re-Tail to buy more than one item at premium prices if you get streetpasses – but I've been unable to get this to happen.

I regularly get streetpasses and I've tried checking

  • when I've gotten a non-AC streetpass before loading the game for the day
  • checking the board/shop after having gotten a non-AC streetpass
  • when I've gotten an AC streetpass before loading the game for the day
  • checking the board/shop after having gotten an AC streetpass

but there's never more than one item being bought at the premium price. What am I doing wrong?


I still have the night-owl ordinance in effect – and I have never had the bell-boom ordinance in effect. A few days ago, I received a few streetpasses – no more than normal – and had three premium items listed.

Best Answer

From the animal crossing wiki:

The small chalkboard sign outside of the store will list at least one premium item each day. If the player sells that item back to the store, Reese will pay double the resell value. There is usually only one item on the board unless the Wealthy Town Ordinance is enacted, or if several people have been tagged through StreetPass.

It would appear that Fluttershy probably has the wealthy town ordinance. As for having a lot of streetpass people, I can't find a real number online, but if you have about 20, i'm thinking its either 25 or 50...

found another link with more info about the streetpasses. It's not how many you streetpass, it's who you streetpass and when: Look at the fourth post down.

If you streetpass someone, you gain their premium item for the day.