Ingress factions: only appears to be one group in the city


I'm trying to sign up for Ingress and choose a faction. I like the idea of playing for the underdog to try and balance things out, but there literally appears to be only one faction in my city. The Ingress map shows a score of 818 for one team and a score of 0 for the other. If I join the 0 scoring team, will I just be bored because I can't do anything? If I join the team everyone else is on, will I bored? I don't understand the game enough yet.

Best Answer

If you're talking about the "Regional Scores" section in the "Intel" section of the Ingress app or the "Regional Score" line on the Intel map, that score just displays the current status of the current running cycle. If you're living in a sparsely populated region that score won't change too much in the future but if you're not then it could be just a momentarily score. Watch it for further developments.

In any case your movements surely would be recognized by players of neighboring regions and if you insist on playing the game they surely will contact you because Ingress players always need players from neighboring regions for bigger fields and are in the lookout for persistent newcomers.

Ingress is still being consistently played by both its core players and the newcomers. Please don't hesitate to join this growing community.