Instances of tick damage after being knocked down


How is the tick damage applied to you when you are knocked down? Is it relative to circle or the amount of damage received (from any source) before getting knocked out?

Best Answer

Summary of Tick Damage

  • The tick damage you received is a set pre-determined amount.
  • The damage you receive just before being knocked down does not affect the tick damage you take while downed.
  • You may receive other damage in addition to the passive tick damage from being knocked down (i.e. Blue zone, being shot, etc).
  • Being in the blue zone while knocked out may make it appear that you are taking more tick damage from being knocked out but this is just because you're taking the passive tick damage from being knocked out plus the passive tick damage from being in the blue zone.
  • Being knocked down multiple times will cause subsequent knockdowns to deal more tick damage.