Is BFFS! item affecting Lilith’s damage


As Platinum God states, BFFS! pickup makes your familiars do more damage. Lilith's incubus definitely seems to be enlarged after picking up the item, but does it's damage increase too?

While it seems reasonable that Incubus is also affected, its tears size does not increase. Other damage amplifying effects do change Incubus' tears size, hence my question.

Missing HUD2 stats stay the same after picking up BFFS!, but maybe familiar's damage is calculated differently, and after damage calculation of a character?

Best Answer

According to the Rebirth wikia, BFFS! increases the size and doubles damage of familiars. So it seems reasonable that Incubus is also affected.

Missing HUD2 calculates only your player actual stats, and since BFFS! affects only Incubus familiar you won't see any change.

That's why you see a similar behaviour if you pick up A Lump of Coal, tears gain a flat damage bonus based on how far they travel, it does not affect your base damage.